Eminence Organic Skin Care

Hand-picked fresh ingredients create products that contain potent healing and beautifying properties. Many of these ingredients are combined with pure waters drawn from a thermal hot spring lake containing minerals and trace elements found nowhere else on earth.

Citrus & Kale Potent C&E Serum from Eminence

Certified Organic Farms

Potent, nutritious fruits, herbs and vegetables grown in the farmlands of Hungary, and organic and Biodynamic® farming practices help to create the most amazing skin care products.

Woman laying face up receiving product applied to her face

Expert Application

Lacey and Lia are trained in Eminence Skin Care application. They are able to customize your facial with a variety of serums, scrubs, masques, and other products for the most luxurious experience.

Woman laying face up in background of Eminence Products

A Truly Green Company

Certified organic farms, capturing minerals and nutrients at their peak, recycled packaging, green office space, energy efficient transportation for employees and shipping, green spa programs, forest for the future, and certified B-Corp.


While we still plan to continue carrying a wide variety of Eminence products in our spa, we can’t carry everything they offer so now you can buy any retail products directly from Eminence and we still earn a commission which helps sustain our spa.

Products are shipped to your front door for FREE!

It is an easy way to re-purchase products 24/7 or purchase from us from anywhere in the world!